Stomach Capacity

Stomach Capacity
This body of work is constructed as a dialogue, posing that a non-human body of matter can be perceived and re-defined as a mortal or fallible object, that it can perform with attributes that are perceived as living and embody the same tactile/haptic vitality housed within the parameters of human material.
The synthetic materials are used as a microcosm of controlled matter in order to question our relationship to material bodies held in a border state. Here actions of vitality are drawn out of synthetic matter, by organic experience being identified within the synthetic body, this asks for a reframing of perception towards the non-human body as the two forms of bodily experience overlap further.
The objects all posed as vessels in contorted forms of containment, their actions of gestation facilitated by the hand of the artist allows the objects to grow into the site, and settled their pressure forms, forming a subsistent action of attachment to the architectural framework, body requiring body.
Materials Used: Iron Sulphate, latex, PVA, steel wool, vinegar, water, mild steel