Casting Cycles - Two
A Form of Flesh
Exhibited in FabLab Limerick December 2018

A Form of Flesh
Casting is a traditional sculptural language that carries with it implications of functionality, replication, and definitive form. Within this video piece I wanted to counteract these assumptions, providing a bodily antidote.
The casts themselves are followed through their life cycle, the oxidization forming crystal structure, the protective skin layer formed with varnish or PVA, and the dissolution process reducing them to sediment and water. Throughout this process the artist’s hand is constantly present and these objects become a bodily residue of this transaction and duration.
The nature of the object is that it is the residue/result of a process, this finite form giving an immortality inherent in its function, the processes depicted here have no end, they continuously trigger the next link in the chain. Each object coming full circle back to dissolution, thus triggering the event of next construction.
The action of filming itself adds a performative layer to this exchange, the artist becomes character, the action a narrative. Through the obscuring of this narrative the artist’s hand becomes overt over the lens. The proximity of lens to these performative actions placing the viewer in a position of artificial intimacy with the studio actions themselves. The video acting as an extra layer to the casting process as it forms a third skin around the object, over the course of the final dissolution process all these layers begin to disintegrate giving the video itself a tangible presence, everything nullified to begin the cyclical actions again.Existing in symbiosis with the artist’s body, it becomes a constant strand of engagement to bring these casts through a full cycle.